Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beta Testers Do Make Money

How many of you out there are just like me, spending countless hours on your favorite video game and wishing you were getting paid to do it. No need to wish any more i have found the perfect solution for you. I was recently surfing the web and stumble across some cool ass website that offers everything you need to be a Beta Tester for all the hottest companies which includes Sony,Sega, and Capcom (my fav). This sites should be you stepping stone for you and your career...yes i said career. Face it who wouldn't want to sit in that lazy boy with the chip grease stain and get Now let me explain to all you newbies out there what a Beta Tester is.

Beta Testers are gamers who usually give feedback on a upcoming games before it hits the shelf. Right now I'm in Champions Online Beta enjoying every minute of your hearts out. I suggest only HARDCORE gamers become testers but its nothing wrong for casual gamers to get involve. The big name companies like Blizzard need testers...and they are willing to pay you.

I'm not saying you have to be the best at a game to be a can be one. Check these site out and tell me what you think.

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